Special Workshops 2014
- For Yoga teachers & Students
These yoga Intensives are usually taught over 2-days and are designed for yoga teachers, teachers-in-training and regular yoga students seeking to deepen their practice and understanding.
Chris regularly teaches these workshops in Devon, Somerset and across southwest England.
Places are extremely limited and allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Dynamic Alignment &
the 'Art' of Adjusting
A workshop for yoga teachers, teachers-in-training & regular students seeking to deepen their experience and understanding.

The Lotus Loft, Exeter, Devon
Date & Time:
August 9/10th 2014
Places available:
An effective adjustment communicates the dynamic energetic component of a pose through intuitive touch, helping awareness travel through the body and allowing the student to overcome mental and physical ‘knots’.
Giving good adjustments is an ‘art’ which requires confidence, subtlety and an understanding of the mechanics of the body. Receiving an adjustment is just as important, as it teaches us trust, develops bodily awareness and requires both surrender and the confidence to say “NO”.
This workshop blends hands-on exploration with theory, demonstration and anatomy to cultivate a deeper experience and understanding of standing poses, backbends, forward bends, hip openers and twists.
During the weekend we will explore:
- When and when not to adjust
- How to receive an adjustment
- Passive versus Active adjustments
- Breath-movement (vinyasa) principle
- Reading someone’s body
- Common ‘release valves’ in poses
- Verbal Cuing vs. physical touch
- The ethics of touch
- When to use props
- Using safe body mechanics
- Balancing your work and the receiver’s work
Detailed course manual provided.
Feedback from The 'Art' of Adjusting
"One of the many magical moments I will take away with me from the weekend is how you become an extension of someone else's posture by helping them with adjustment. It was an incredible experience shared with truly incredible people."Hayley Dyer
"Like all the most brilliant teachers, Chris gently throws a hand grenade into your long-standing practice and helps you reconstruct the pieces into something excitingly new. All done with humour, insight and compassion. More please!"
Janet Kipling (yoga teacher)
"This dynamic and worthwhile course reinforced and delivered what I have come to recognise as excellent teaching on all levels of communication, especially the subtle ones... 'top banana' Chris!"
Julie Jennings
"Thank you so much for opening my eyes and body to the world of spirals over the past weekend. My practice has grown and changed so much from last weekend. I am so much more aware of what my body is doing and how it feels, which has allowed me to move in and out of postures with ease that previously I have struggled with. 'Mindful' is a word that you used and after last weekend I feel like I am practicing the Primary Series for the first time, with a very open heart and head"
Hayley Dyer
"One is never too old to have a life-changing experience; Chris Croft is an inspiring teacher and supportive guide! Brilliant workshop"
Julie Jennings
Feedback from other workshops
"Thank you so much Chris, you are truely a fantastic teacher! i have learnt so much, so sorry again for all the questions! The manual is fantastic thank you!!"Debs Nettley
"Chris has a wealth information to share openly about Ashtanga yoga. I consider Chris to be a forward thinking modern yogi which for me was refreshing and inspiring."Sue Lewry (yoga teacher)
"Since I first began practising with Chris I have always found his attention to detail of great benefit. I feel that he teaches the Ashtanga practice in a way that makes it accessible and understandable for all, he actively promotes the philosophy and theory behind the practice, especially within a workshop setting. I know that I will always learn something new from Chris and I feel able to explore my own practice more creatively as a result"
Virginia Compton (Yoga Teacher)
"Thank you for a truly inspiring day, I loved your energy and knowledge. Your way of teaching is refreshing, I am still floating today may be the inversions, but I think it is more that I have truly found the truth within the breath, totally uplifting, I am so excited to borrow some of your ideas of finding the breath and bandhas, it's as if a secret has been unlocked and I know my practice will develop deeper and with respect. Would love to explore further but work and time call, but I will definitely be back. Thank you"
Reserve your place TODAY!!
ONLY 4 Places Available