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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga - in the tradition of Shri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India

Beginners Intensive (2-Day)

October 6/7 2018
Exeter, UK



Mysore Style Ashtanga
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop

Ashtanga Yoga - Half Primary
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
Drop-in £9


Mysore Style Ashtanga
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop

Mixed Ability Ashtanga
Blackborough Village Hall
Drop-in £10


Mysore Style Ashtanga
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop

Mysore Style Ashtanga
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop


Mysore Style Ashtanga
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop

Beginners Ashtanga
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
Drop-in £8


Mysore Style Ashtanga
@The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop

Private Tuition

Private one-on-one tuition was traditionally the only way Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga was taught and is therefore the ideal way to develop your yoga practice. In this environment a dedicated teacher with the best interests of the student can transmit the wisdom and practice of yoga cleanly and directly without misunderstanding or confusion. Asanas and breathing techniques are given to the individual as and when the teacher deems the student is ready, allowing for a firm grounding within the practice with less likelihood of injury, excessive physical fatigue or any other associated problems.

Private one-on-one sessions are usually much more hands on than public classes as physical adjustments immediately correct alignment issues and postural imbalances, communicating to the student what they need to focus upon in each specific movement or asana.

Learn yoga in the same way as the ancient yogis of India

If you are just starting in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, private tuition will give you the best start you can possibly have… and if you are a long term practitioner this approach will give you fresh inspiration and insight into your practice, facilitating greater potential for growth within your own personal practice.

Tuition can be carried out at a venue to suit you or at your home; all you need is a quiet, warm (and preferably uncluttered!) room and 60-90 minutes of commitment. Up to 3 addition friends or family members can also join in if desired (maximum 4 per group).

I can also teach you what to look for in each pose so that you can help others in their practice, knowledge which will also help the development of your own practice.

Private Tuition can also be helpful if:

  • you have previous injuries or specific health concerns.
  • you want to spend time developing certain areas of your practice.
  • you are a sports person or athlete and want to work towards a specific goal, such as increased flexibility or to target problem areas.

Please contact Chris if you are interested in private yoga classes for you, you and your partner or with small group of friends.

Or BOOK NOW below!


Booking Options



  • Private tuition is NOT available after 6pm weekdays or during weekends (due to workshop and public class commitments).
  • Please contact me ASAP after booking to arrange you prefered date and time.
  • If you wish for sessions to be conducted in your home or place of work, travel costs will apply beyond a distance of 10 miles. These can be agreed by emailing or calling 07970 739918 to discuss further.


Booking & Cancellation Policy

For further details contact: