Yoga Workshops 2016
Workshops are a great way to expand your understanding of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and deepen your asana or pranayama practice.
Chris regularly teaches workshops in Devon, Somerset and across southwest England in yoga asana, pranayama, ashtanga philosophy and meditation.
workshop places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Ashtanga Yoga: Practice & Philosophy
1-Day Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Chris Croft
The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop, Exeter, UK
Date & Time:
September 16, 2015
11-5.30pm (lunch 1.30-3pm)
Let yoga transcend posture with a day of asana practice, meditation & Ashtanga Yoga philosophy
Yoga is more than the continued pursuit of the next challenging posture. Asana (posture) is only a gateway into the real heart of yoga and all its delights.
The morning session will be an opportunity to explore and experience the full Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Primary Series.
We will begin with a short introduction to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, its tradition, mythology and ultimate context within modern yoga. The remainder of the session will be a guided class, allowing space for explanations of methodology, pose demonstrations and workshoping ‘advanced’ asanas or techniques. Throughout the class we will cultivate a sense of moving from the inside out - awakening the deep sensations of the inner breath (pranayama) and feeding them into a liberated external form (posture). Time will also be allocated to refining our jumping (vinyasa) technique and looking at how we can work more intelligently throughout our Ashtanga Yoga practice.
The afternoon session will set out to establish a vision of yoga beyond asana, introducing the idea and benefits of contemplative practice.
Essentially a contemplative practice quiets the mind in the midst of the chaos and distractions of every day life and develops insight into our innermost nature and an attitude of unconditional friendliness towards our self and others. Blending meditation techniques and yoga philosophy we will explore the possibility of refining our approach to yoga practice to include sitting and yoga philosophy.
Not suitable for those new to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Reserve your place TODAY!!